How my needs are met:
My Sun is in Scorpio in the 11th House
I examine, deep dive to transform; Ruled by Pluto - energy of regeneration, transformation to evolve higher via deep deep diving
Where your significant contributions to life is espressed:
11th House -
~ focus on group dynamics, social groups, networking; how we treat and fit into these groups, how we view group as a whole
~ Hopes. Dreams. Destiny & Opportunity reside here as well.
~ Possiblities that come to us as well as those we create
~ Philanthropy & views of society, desire to promote welfare of others charitable, care giver
Coaching, Life Coaching, The Alchemy Tribe,Reach 4 An Oil, Empowering U 4 Life, Veterinary Nurse, Care Giver
What are my needs:
My moon is in Pisces in the 3rd House
I am a visionary, romantic, empathic, psychic abilities, artistic. Need to feel that all is possible, optimistic
How I express my emotion:
3rd House
~ communication - written, verbal and conscious - mental connection
~ intelligence
~ Early education
~ Harnesing our intelligence and sharing it effectively
Empowering U 4 Life, Blog
Sun and Moon Blend:
Sun = spirit, expression, personality. Moon = Emotion, Subconscious, Fulfullment
I examine and research as much as I can to find answers/fix, to find and make all possible; digging deeper to develop and transform personal powers; rebirth and evolve to higher self-oneness; in touch with higher self, via self discovery and love.
How others see me, how do I move thru the world:
My Rising sign is in Sagittarius
wise, educated, learned though growth, philosophical, friendly, optimistic, needs to feel to have own thoughts, own ideas and ways of doing things.